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Solutions for packaging design and prototypes

Create It Packaging

Create It Packaging’s about us story includes the art of structural design, passion for entrepreneurship, and G.U.T.S. Click here to read more in the Create It Packaging Blog.

About Us: Our History

CEO Brian Lewis launched his career as a structural designer, working for leading consumer packaging firms such as RockTenn and Olympic Packaging, Inc. Fresh out of computer-assisted design school (CAD), Brian joined the packaging industry during the introduction of computer technology to structural design. As a young packaging designer, Brian learned the art of handcrafted structural design from his predecessors, becoming a well-rounded designer while still ushering-in a technologically advanced era of packaging. During his professional journey, Brian discovered his niche as a structural designer of packaging mockups, or packaging prototypes. His passion drove Brian to work late into the night, honing his skills and attracting what was ultimately a life-changing opportunity to purchase a small, established structural packaging firm. With a small business loan and some help from a friend, Brian purchased the business in 1996 from his mentor and colleague Tom Sellers.

What began as a one-man packaging design operation with Brian, now employs a talented team that is nearly 20 people strong, each of whom has helped grow Create It Packaging by 30-times its original size. The Create It Packaging Team is committed to its vision of designing production-ready packaging prototypes through efficient collaboration and creative application of printing technology.

Who We Are: Our Expertise

  • Create It Packaging | Brian Lewis, Structural Designer and CEO

    Brian Lewis

    Structural Design

  • Create It Packaging | Tabitha Crudele, Customer Service

    Tabitha Crudele

    Customer Service

  • Create It Packaging | Steve Meiferdt, Manager

    Steve Meiferdt

    General Manager